Startup+ Bundle - React Native Templates

A collection of 100+ responsive, native, dark mode compatible, React and React Native UI templates. Develop your iOS and Android apps 2x faster and also unlock the ultimate digital experience, smooth transition effects, and advanced widgets for your users.

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Startup+ Bundle - React Native Templates
Startup+ Bundle - React Native Templates
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App Screens
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Production Ready Screens

Get. Set. Implement. Leverage automated deployments that are available, reliable and easy to use to build both android and iOS applications 2X faster.

vscode view
mobile view

Fully Responsive

Make your website respond on any device. Build a single, flexible design that would stretch or shrink to fit the screen with air space for tap targets, comfortable text without requiring zooming in or out, and no horizontal scrolling.

React Navigation

Improve your app performance and set a benchmark with our dynamic and component-based configurations. Integrate gestures, animations, and easy transitions between screens.

Dark Mode Compatible

Our pre-built screens can let you toggle between the light and dark mode, and maintain the user’s preferred theme on new page reloads.

dark mode compatible images

Sneak Peek

Building a quality app from scratch can be hard. Take a look at our customized production-ready screens to create a stable and maintainable app of your choice with minimum efforts. We have a set of pre-designed screens clubbed together to give you a gist of the look and feel of the application and it can be modified accordingly.

SplashScreen image


SignUp image


SignIn image


ForgotPassword image


OtpVerification image


CreatePassword image


HomeScreen image


Logout image


Fast-track your app creation process

Our production-ready screens aim to get your app development project up and running quickly. The production-ready screens are low-code development tools and are interfaced to build mobile, web, and hybrid applications with 50% less effort as compared to the traditional app building process.

Chat Screen

Build easy-to-customize and performance-optimized chat apps with a super-fast interface that can be implemented on any of your existing or new apps

  • Rich Messaging Experience
  • Dark & Light Mode Screens
  • Data Security & Encryption
product cards

Seat Selection Screen

Build a fully responsive, versatile app that can help make reservations for workstations, cafeteria seats, theatre seats, and more.

  • NativeScreens
  • Real-time Availability Check
  • Custom Layouts
product cards

Tracking Screen

Customize your shipment tracking screen as per your business requirements. With our ready-to-use screens, you can integrate them into food or grocery delivery apps, e-commerce apps and many more.

  • Enforce Collaboration
  • Easy Performance Analysis
  • Real-time Status Update
product cards

Product Review Page

Conveniently design a solid product review page for your app. Raise engagement with your customers and easily highlight consumer feedback with our intuitive screens.

  • Provide Quick Sort Access
  • Up Your Quality Standards
  • Native Screens
product cards

Get this now. Build your product faster & better!

Make a simple, one-time purchase and save 100s of hours and 1000s of dollars.

$199 Buy now


  • @material-tailwind/react:^1.2.3
  • @tailwindcss/typography:^0.5.4
  • @types/react-syntax-highlighter:^15.5.4
  • axios:^0.27.2
  • html-react-parser:^3.0.1
  • lottie-web:^5.9.6
  • moment:^2.29.4
  • next:12.2.0
  • react:18.2.0
  • react-dom:18.2.0
  • react-html-parser:^2.0.2
  • react-markdown:^8.0.3
  • react-slick:^0.29.0
  • react-syntax-highlighter:^15.5.0
  • rehype-raw:^6.1.1
  • remark-gfm:^3.0.1
  • slick-carousel:^1.8.1