Support Policy

General Rules

We do not share personal information of any kind with anyone. We will not sell or rent your name or personal information to any third party. We do not sell, rent or provide outside access to our mailing list or any data we store. Any data that a user stores via our facilities are wholly owned by that user or business. At any time a user or business is free to take their data and leave, or to simply delete their data from our facilities.
We only collect such personal information that is necessary for you to access and use our services.
We may release personal information if it is required by law, search warrant, subpoena, court order, or fraud investigation. We may also use personal information in a manner that does not identify you specifically nor allow you to be contacted but does identify certain criteria about our Site’s users in general (such as we may inform third parties about the number of registered users, number of unique visitors, and the pages most frequently browsed).

We Offer Support For:

  • Helping you use the features within our product.
  • Bug fixes – if you discovered a bug in your downloaded product we will fix it.
  • Functionalities that do not work as advertised — we will fix them as soon as we find out from you that there might be something wrong.
Note : Regular support will get responses within 24 business hours and fixes will be done within a week.

We Do Not:

  • Fix hosting, server environment, or software issues.
  • Take responsibility in case any issues arise from your changes to the bundle outside the functionalities provided by us.
  • Customize your theme according to your design – For Custom development needs, please check our dedicated page.
  • Offer human-based support for our free theme.
Note : We do not schedule a specific time to offer support and use screen-sharing applications.